Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tablet PCs in real estate- a great example of success

In my years of using Tablet PCs and dealing with folks who are wondering what the technology can do for them I have shown them to a lot of people in the real estate business.' Real estate dealings are the perfect setting for using the Tablet technology given all the paperwork involved and the need to exchange it rapidly.' Every time I have shown the Tablet to a realtor they have never failed to be impressed but even given a good demonstration very few end up adopting it for their own business.' This is something that has always confused me but this excellent video that shows how the Tablet technology can be leveraged by an actual realtor should do the trick.' It is readily apparent how the Tablet changes the complexion of a complex real estate transaction with the right software.' Have a look at it and see if you agree.' Interesting things of note: the realtor seems to always work with the Tablet in landscape orientation rather than portrait and she always closes it in laptop mode even though she seems to usually use it in slate mode.' She might be protecting the screen but I think it would be quicker to put it in the bag in slate mode for next time.

(Ultramobile PC Tips via GottaBeMobile)

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